Bitget Türkiye Risk Notice
2024-02-28 19:13
1. Bitget Türkiye referred to in this Risk Statement means Bitget Türkiye Informatics Technology Incorporated Company, Platform refers to the site, application and mobile interfaces of Bitget Türkiye, hot wallets refer to digital wallets with an internet connection, cold wallet refers to offline wallets.
2. The user accepts, declares and undertakes that they have read, understood and accepted all the risks in the Risk Statement before using the platform of Bitget Türkiye and the services provided by Bitget Türkiye.
3. This Risk Notice has been created for the purpose of enlightening the User about the investments to be made through the services provided by Bitget Türkiye, about the cryptocurrency that is an investment product and the related risks that may occur during the investment. Before starting to trade cryptocurrencies, the user should understand and recognize all the risks and make a decision considering their financial situation.
4. This text provides users with general information about the risks associated with cryptocurrency investments. However, it should be noted that this text does not contain all the risks that may arise from the transactions, nor does it contain any information about the risks related to the personal conditions of the users.
5. Cryptocurrency markets, by their nature, are not centrally managed. Cryptocurrencies are produced in digital environments and are a digital representation of value. Cryptocurrencies are traded in a digital environment and their transfers are made in digital environments. Cryptocurrencies should not be confused with local fiat currencies. Unlike the national currencies that are issued by the Central Banks of the countries, they are not issued by any Central Bank. Unlike securities, they are not issued by any private or public institution/organization.
6. The biggest feature that distinguishes cryptocurrencies from commodities is that they do not have any physical existence. In addition, unless otherwise stated, there is no underlying asset behind them. Cryptocurrencies have a unique structure.
7. Cryptocurrencies, which exist over the blockchain network, are decentralized, end-to-end encrypted to ensure the integrity of transactions between anonymous people on a network.
8. Cryptocurrencies do not have a specific regulatory framework in Türkiye. Users are exempt from the protection that would be enjoyed by those using investment services regulated by public authorities when trading cryptocurrencies. Users are responsible for knowing and understanding the legal framework, taxation and how to regulate cryptocurrencies.
9. All cryptocurrency investment products are high-risk investment instruments with high volatility and are not suitable for every investor. Market prices for cryptocurrencies can change very quickly and unpredictably. Therefore, it is possible for Users to lose money as well as gain from cryptocurrency trading, and Users should be aware of this risk.
10. If the user has any doubts, they should seek professional support.
11. Before deciding to trade in the cryptocurrency markets on Bitget Türkiye, it is important that you research and fully understand the relevant risks, have sufficient financial resources to take the risks in question, and carefully monitor and be informed about the cryptocurrencies you own.
12. The news, opinions, research, analysis, prices and other information on Bitget Türkiye's platform or social media accounts are not investment advice. Bitget Türkiye is not liable for any loss of trades made based on any suggestions, estimates or outside information.
13. Cryptocurrency markets are determined in line with supply and demand, and the prices of cryptocurrencies can change very quickly in an instant. Users should be mindful of their positions and assets, and how they might be affected by sudden and unfavorable changes in trading and other market activities.
14. The user is responsible for the security of their account and must securely protect the password and/or other information they use to access their account. The user should not share the password and/or other information used to access the account with anyone. The user should monitor whether they can easily log in to their account and whether they have a security-related problem.
15. The cryptocurrency market has very volatile liquidity levels. While the market of some cryptocurrencies is more liquid, the trading volume of some cryptocurrency markets is very low. Volume and market liquidity differ for each cryptocurrency. Markets with low liquidity are more likely to increase volatility.
16. Bitget Türkiye does not make any commitments or warranties about the realization of orders such as "Limit Order" and "Stop Order", that the cryptocurrency traded on the Platform and invested by the User will be traded. There is a risk that the possibility of limiting the loss or gain of the User as a result of the order types may not always be realized.
17. Bitget Türkiye is a cryptocurrency exchange platform. It is not the counterparty of the User in the purchase or sale transactions. Users determine the trading prices of cryptocurrencies with independent and mutual offers in line with their own needs and will. Bitget Türkiye does not have any price or earnings guarantee.
18. If at any time the cryptocurrency that is the subject of your order is removed from the transaction list or if for any reason this cryptocurrency becomes unusable in trading, the given order will be canceled immediately.
19. There may be system errors when trading on Bitget Türkiye's sites or platforms. The user is aware of the fact that the instruction they have given may be delayed or deemed invalid due to an error or malfunction caused by the system and has accepted this risk.
20. Depending on the technical structure and security status of digital wallets, they may be vulnerable to cyber-attacks. This can cause theft of your cryptocurrencies and loss of assets in your wallet. Bitget Türkiye is not responsible for damages such as cyber-attack and theft of cryptocurrencies as a result of users' fault.
21. The User accepts and declares that they know the risks that may arise from the use of an internet-based trading system, including but not limited to hardware, software, system, connection errors on the internet network that originates from themselves, the risk of accessing information or digital assets stored by third parties on behalf of the user, errors and attacks that may occur in the blockchain network including cryptocurrency, all malicious software such as computer viruses, spyware and trojan horses and software that paves the way for all kinds of cyber-attacks, communication defects, system and performance degradation that may occur in general lines; generally impairments, disruptions, errors, delays, lownesses.
22. Bitget Türkiye may collaborate with third parties that provide fiat and crypto asset services. Even if the said third party is known as a licensed and publicly trusted institution recognized by an official authority, there may always be negative consequences such as losing money, failing, going bankrupt or stopping its activities. There is no legal guarantee that secures damages in the event that the User deposits money to the aforementioned third parties or is within the scope of the service provided by Bitget Türkiye. Bitget Türkiye declares that it will not be liable for any damages caused by third parties or persons.
23. Cryptocurrencies are kept in two types of wallets called cold and hot wallets. The transfer of cryptocurrencies between wallets is the responsibility of the User. Bitget Türkiye does not accept any responsibility if the user transfers the cryptocurrency in Bitget Türkiye to a wallet belonging to a different person or transfers it to a wallet that they do not want. Due to the nature of blockchain technology, it is not possible to return the cryptocurrency sent to an unwanted wallet.
24. In case of incorrect information entered according to the technical specifications of the wallets, the responsibility of the wrong transfers is on the User. Since Bitget Türkiye cannot interfere with the transfers made by the User and due to the technical features of Blockchain technology, the User who will transfer must show maximum care and attention while performing transactions.
25. It is not possible to cancel or invalidate the cryptocurrency once the transfer order has been executed. All responsibility arising from the services provided regarding the instructions and the fulfillment of the instructions belongs to the User. The user should be well aware of these risks and should check the accuracy of the transaction before the transfer.
26. If an illegal and suspicious transaction is detected in the user's account, Bitget Türkiye has the right to take all kinds of legal action and to take all necessary administrative and security measures such as freezing the account, deleting the account permanently or temporarily, or terminating the contract. Bitget Türkiye has the right to indefinitely prohibit the User with an unlawful transaction from re-opening an account. It may prevent the use of cash, fiat or cryptocurrencies in your account as a precaution, in accordance with the law. If the user is subject to such a measure, they cannot transfer or perform any transaction from their account. Users must not take any illegal actions and avoid suspicious transactions. Otherwise, they declare that they accept the risks listed. At the same time, Bitget Türkiye shares the User's information with the competent authorities in line with the request from the competent authorities and cooperates with the competent authorities in this regard.
27. No matter how diligently Bitget Türkiye examines the cryptocurrencies it lists, its auditability is limited since cryptocurrencies are not under the oversight of any regulatory agency. Users should foresee the risk in question, examine the document called "Whitepaper", which is the introductory document of cryptocurrency, and act according to their own will.
28. There is always the risk that cryptocurrencies will lose value, that cryptocurrencies will be prevented, banned or blocked by any official/administrative/public authority or legal authority.
29. The network that supports cryptocurrencies may end, developers may withdraw from the project of cryptocurrency, network validators may be withdrawn from the network, negative campaigns may be created about cryptocurrency, the aforementioned negative situations create risks for cryptocurrencies and their values, and these risks are always present.
30. Bitget Türkiye is a platform where Users trade cryptocurrencies. It does not allow distribution and lock-ups such as any airdrops, forks, staking or bounties. Other transactions and activities such as voting rights on the network where cryptocurrency is traded cannot be carried out through Bitget Türkiye. The user undertakes and declares that they accept the situations written in this article.
31. The user agrees and declares that they are aware of the fact that there may be a change in value, exchange rate risk, public authorities may restrict foreign currency movements or impose new taxes on foreign currency transactions due to currency fluctuations in cryptocurrency transactions made in foreign currency-denominated cryptocurrencies or foreign currency parity.
32. Having a system compatible with Bitget Türkiye's system, a compatible connection and compatible hardware is necessary for the correct and smooth progress of the operations to be performed by the User. Bitget Türkiye does not guarantee that it will always be compatible with the system and hardware that the User logs into the platform. It is the User's responsibility to use a system, connection and hardware compatible with Bitget Türkiye's system.
33. Bitget Türkiye does not guarantee that any cryptocurrency it has listed will always be traded in the market. Due to the nature of cryptocurrencies, it is not possible to give such a guarantee. Bitget Türkiye can remove the cryptocurrency it has listed without any notification at its own will and discretion and can apply a ceiling/floor price according to the situation in the market. In addition, if Bitget Türkiye deems necessary, it has the right to take and implement measures such as but not limited to closing market orders, applying mandatory limit orders and the highest order limit.
34. The user is solely responsible for paying all accrued taxes, including reporting, withholding, collection transactions that may arise as a result of cryptocurrency trading or a possible increase or decrease in value.
35. The fees and commissions you will pay to benefit from the services offered by Bitget Türkiye are specified on the Platform. Before starting the transactions, the user should obtain information about all commissions, fees and expenses to be paid and agree on the mentioned commissions, fees and expenses. If the commission, fee or expenses in question are not expressed in monetary terms, the User must request the necessary information from Bitget Türkiye. Since the cryptocurrency transfers made by the Users cannot be returned or cancelled due to the nature of the blockchain technology, the commission, fee or expense paid to Bitget Türkiye by the User for the transfer transactions are not refunded. The user cannot claim that they are not aware of the commission, fee or expense they will pay or have paid.
36. The user is responsible for all tax consequences arising from the current legislation that may arise from the increase/decrease in cryptocurrency trading or cryptocurrency values. It is also the User's responsibility to pay any taxes that may arise and to take necessary actions.
37. Bitget Türkiye is not obligated to constantly monitor Users' accounts. In line with this, it is the User's responsibility to keep and secure the account, user name, account password.
38. Bitget Türkiye in no way guarantees and makes no commitment that crypto assets will be available uninterruptedly and continuously.
39. Risks specified in this Risk Notice; may not cover all the risks related to the trading and transfer of Cryptocurrencies, Market Risk, Liquidity Risk, Legal Risk, Wallet Risks, special risks related to the Cryptocurrency you will trade, risks arising from the application and all risks that may arise from the services defined in the Terms of Use. Users accept, declare and undertake that they understand this issue and will carry out all transactions accordingly.
40. This Risk Notice is an annex and an integral part of the Bitget Türkiye User Agreement. When the user becomes a member, this text is deemed to have been communicated to them. The User shall be deemed to have read and understood the Risk Notice upon approval of the User Agreement.