Announcement on delisting WAVES/TRY on Bitget Türkiye

Attention: Effective immediately, Bitget Türkiye will no longer support the WAVES/TRY trading pair on our platform.
As of June 21st, 10:00 PM (UTC+3), the WAVES/TRY trading pair will be removed from both Spot and Easy Buy/Sell trading interfaces.
Deposits for WAVES will be suspended on June 21st, 10:00 PM (UTC+3).
Withdrawals for WAVES will remain available until July 12th, 10:00 PM (UTC+3).
We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and assure our users that we remain committed to providing a secure and seamless trading experience. For more information, please do not hesitate to contact our customer support team.
About Bitget Türkiye
Bitget Türkiye is a fiat-to-crypto exchange that primarily specializes in fiat spot trading, catering to all Turkish citizens. With Bitget Türkiye, you can now deposit and withdraw Turkish Lira (TRY) through bank transfers and engage in cryptocurrency trading directly via spot trading with TRY pairs.
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